Weekly Archives
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Various And Sundry Things
Weekly Archives
Ashley Rants
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This is my weekly archive; the most recent past seven entries are listed here.

At the bottom of this page is an entry request form. If there is a particular entry (starting with October 28, 2004) you would either like to see re-posted, or just e-mailed to you, fill out the form. Thanks for your support!

Monday 9

Saturday 06.25.05 

Let me tell you bout it:

It's been a long... long.... long week. Okay, so I have a Xanga, now, too. I've sub-titled it "a companion site" because the idea is for it to be in concordance with this one.... but it's become more like this is the companion site. I refuse to give in to the simple blogging world where all you do is post and abandon this one that has taken me so long to get just the way I like it. Unfortunately that has meant more updates on my xanga and hardly any here. I've got to do better. Here's the link: The Life & Times of A. Smith II. Go, make comments, but make comments here, too. I really gotta get up on my A. game here.

I'm going to try to avoid repeating what's on my xanga, here -- and what's here on my xanga so go with me on that one. I realized I had been horribly neglecting the "Various and Sundry Things" section of this site -- so much so, that I had completely forgotten about the fact the "The Tip of the Day" is located on that page. The new plan is to replace the "featured lyrics" section at the bottom of the home page everytime I get a "new" song that I'm playing to death and move the old "featured lyrics" to "Various and Sundry Things." Hopefully that will give it a renewed purpose. At the rate I'm going, though -- we may lose that site and I may have to move the tip of the day to this page. We'll see how it all goes.

I've been working my tail off, but I won't go into detail because it's all already been documented on my xanga... so be sure to hit that up. Perhaps when I find some spare time to breathe, I can begin to adjust things so that everybody gets their fair share. Carry on good people.

Make Good Decisions

Have faith in the system,
Then make it work for you.

AMEN -- and that's for real.

"Alive in '05!"


Monday 9

Tuesday 06.14.05 

Let me tell you bout it:

"I'm further/Further from myself/When I run to you/When I'm next to you" (Pillar - Futher)
So I'm definitely going through this hard rock stage.....again. The last time was in middle school and it was really more of a punk rock stage. I'm into really hard and angry rock. Not gonna lie. The up-side is that I've got a lot of Christian/Pseudo-Christian bands on heavy rotation on my Ipod.... so that's working out for me.

I was talking to someone and I was telling him how excited I was about the upcoming school year. He seemed to get a little upset and he said that I should be excited about being here at home with my friends here and not so worried about August. I am -- but I miss Vanderbilt. Not classes, Lord knows I don't miss that -- but I miss my friends. I miss slumber parties in the BCC, I miss random visitors at 2:30 am -- I miss Branscomb breakfast and then watching all the drunk frat boys and sorority girls stumble into the lobby. I'm enjoying being home and having a break and all that jazz... but the reality is that all my friends from VU are getting to be in on such a critical part of who I'm growing to be and no matter how much I try to include my friends from home -- we're still missing out.

Today was a slow day. I'm waiting on some things to change and my uncle just got back from the hospital on like Saturday, so I'm sticking around the house to keep my left eye on him while my mom goes to school and work. I'm excited for her -- she'll be done with school at the end of this month (why do I have a paper to write for her?) but I'm not ready to run into her in the house all day (well most of the day). Eh -- I'll come up with something.

Carrying on 4 conversations online at once is rough. Let's see -- I'm talking about interracial dating, planning a party, talking about Crash, and music. Interesting how I keep up. Anyway, this is it for me. I'm pooped and running out of things to say. Gonna get a less suicidal-esque rant up in a few weeks. I've got a stupid paper to write first.

Make Good Decisions

Have faith in the system,
Then make it work for you.

AMEN -- and that's for real.

"Alive in '05!"


Monday 9

Sunday 06.12.05 

Let me tell you bout it:

Yeah -- tons of stuff going on and nothing to say. Someone said this summer was going to be interesting. They knew what they were talking about. Already I've had heart palpitations... my heart doesn't palpitate. This city embodies all the things I'm trying to get away from and for some sick reason I'm drawn back to it. Maybe it's the memories, maybe it's a need to fit back in a socket somewhere. I don't know what it is. Joey's ready to be back in Nashville and I'm slowly coming to that conclusion, myself. Slowly, I'm not completely ready, there are loose ends to tied. I think, though, that when those loose ends are tied, I'll actually want to be here.

In other news...
There isn't really other news. I can say that my life is action-packed and thanks to those hush orders I have, I can't talk about it. That, my dear friends, has been the story of my life. Oh, I am supposed to be writing a paper for my mother. Can we talk about cheap and unfair labor? Yes we can, my dears -- yes we can.

Henchmen ARE better than friends. Humph. Whodathunk?

Make Good Decisions

Have faith in the system,
Then make it work for you.

AMEN -- and that's for real.

"Alive in '05!"


Monday 9

Sunday 05.22.05 

Let me tell you bout it:

So I went down to the ATL over the weekend. Actually I was in Stone Mountain. At any rate, my cousin Nick graduated (Congrats to him). Seeing his class graduate... all 400+ of them, reminded me of my graduation and just how old I am. I mean dang... in one week, it will have been exactly one year since my graduation. CRAZY! I remember being on top of the world, so excited to have graduated. '04... that was the class... and '08 continues with that tradition. I digress -- to a point -- but I digress, nonetheless. So to go see the class of '05 graduate from my cousin's school, and eventually from my own high school really makes me reflect on how much I've changed in a year. A WHOLE LOT, lemme tell ya. So have, seemingly, most of the people I graduated with. I think we're all becoming different people Better people.... I don't know, but definitely different.

Gotta go support the Jamaica trippers '05 tomorrow. I can't believe I went two years ago.... I just got used to the idea that I'm an old head, having gone in '03... and by old head, I mean it's been a year. Now it's been two! Those years will get away from you if you let it. I'm not going back this summer, but I definitely plan to go back next summer. I also have to prep for my trip to Atlanta to visit someone who's name can't be seen here. Sorry... not my fault. Anyway, gotta put the Honda in the shop and let them make my pooh bear feel better and then we'll see from there. I need to wash and pack, I leave for the ATL...again... on Tuesday. 

I went to this fabulous place for dinner called the Evergreen resort in Stone Mountain. I let some friends know that we have to go back for a quick vacation. It's one of those relax and be pampered type places and it has some hot trails. Hot, by the way, is my new word.... even though stupid Paris Hilton already copyrighted "That's Hot" she can bite me, because I just put it here. 

Okay, I'm done here -- carry on with your lives good people.

Make Good Decisions

Have faith in the system,
Then make it work for you.

AMEN -- and that's for real.

"Alive in '05!"


Monday 9

Sunday 05.15.05 

Let me tell you bout it:

This is my first official post since I got home for the summer. Definitely still on that job prowl. Yup.

Umm, no news that I can post. The biggest thing in my life and I can't even talk about it. Oh well -- I guess I can give my side of it and my side is that all of it sucks. I don't like waiting for something that could've already been handled. I feel like I've been ignored and neglected for 2 years and this is the culmination of a lot of sweat, blood and tears. Truth be told, I've resigned myself to being used until I meet that one person who doesn't use me. Not a happy prospect for life. I just read somewhere that Love is the promise of pain and I'm here to attest to that. Lemme tell ya.

Joey called me -- he's ready to go back. I will be in a week. Sarah's home so we're ready to wreak havoc. Amen and carry on. I am beginning to miss the crew, though. Definitely so.

Make Good Decisions

Have faith in the system,
Then make it work for you.

AMEN -- and that's for real.

"Alive in '05!"


Monday 9

Monday 05.02.05 

Let me tell you bout it:

Umm -- the drama must end. I'ma get this off my chest and then carry on. As the school year approaches a quick and rather swift ending, I'm noticing more and more people are becoming closer with and closer to the drama that's plagued our class. I mean I love my class. '08 is hot -- but damn if we ain't about the consistent drama. Bullish that won't matter in 15 minutes. Whatever, though... I just needed to out that.

In other news... Two exams down and a presentation to go and in four days I'ma be chillin at the crib. I can't believe this school year is seriously almost over. I can't wait to get home and be with friends there and see what this summer has in store (because I believe it's gonna be hot, in all ways) but I'm gonna miss friends here and hoping my mom doesn't stand too much in the way of me going to see friends. All I can say is that I'm ready to be back in my car. I really do miss my Honda. Gosh. The Purple Fury.

Umm... let's see.. I need to work on this presentation for tomorrow real quick and then I'm taking my ass to bed, because these black folks is about to catch a case.

Make Good Decisions

Have faith in the system,
Then make it work for you.

AMEN -- and that's for real.

"Alive in '05!"


Monday 9

Monday 04.25.05 

Let me tell you bout it:

So I passed my test and now I'm officially a DJ. I get my own show in the fall, so I'm completely happy with that. Wow -- me a DJ. Heads up on that one -- who knows, maybe my true calling is to be a DJ. You never know.

There's nothing really new in my life except the fact that in a week, I'll be packing and in a week and some change I'll be home for good. I can't believe that I seriously made it through my first year of college with little to no scathing. I'ma be real and say that last summer was some straight B.S. but that this school year has been a refresher and has (despite what I may say) really given me renewed hope for the human race. (Dead-ass serious). Sometimes I imagine what life would be like if things were different... if the summer hadn't been straight bullshit and the truth is that I like the way things have worked out for me. I'm not saying that all the things that happened were good and necessary, because in my opinion they definitely weren't, but things tend to work themselves out and I think that in the end everyone will be happy.

It sucks that I can't use my website to say all the things I truly feel in the way I want to because others don't like what they end up reading about themselves here... because sometimes writing this stuff out is the only way I can seriously begin to deal with and handle myself.

I know I've got some closet-readers out there. Folks who don't want me to know they read what I put here. Honestly I wish you'd let me know you do, but that's cool. As long as you're reading and the ish I put here keeps you interested, I'm good (but dropping me a line won't hurt nearly as bad as you might think).

I wish there was more I could talk about but since I'm almost completely censored on something that makes up about 45% of the non-academic part of my life... it's a little hard to think up stuff.

I guess I could take this time to begin talking about how much I'm gonna miss my friends. I read something that really got me to thinking about how college takes you away from your life at home and forces you to make a new life for 9 months only to send you back to your old life for 3 months. It's kinda crazy. I mean we all want things to be perfect. That is to maintain that perfect relationship with our best friend from home and keep up with our new best friends at school but the truth is that shit is damn near impossible. Somebody has to lose and it tends to be friends from home. I mean -- it's hard to talk to friends from home about people they don't know and it's hard to hear about people I don't know. 3 months is not long enough to catch-up and it's too freakin' long away from my crazy friends here. Gosh... gotta love college. I need the break, but I need the break with the people here. I want them all to come to Chattanooga with me, just like they all want me to go home with them. Crazy crazy crazy. You'll see a rant about this in the near future.

Make Good Decisions

Have faith in the system,
Then make it work for you.

AMEN -- and that's for real.

"Alive in '05!"


Monday 9

Wednesday 04.20.05 

Let me tell you bout it:


Long time no chat. Let's see. I'm tryna make it 4 more days, 'till the end of classes.... and about two more days 'till my best friend get's here. Lord... Vanderbilt is not ready for me and Sarah on this campus.

I'm in Vandy/Barnard... lot's of black people = lot's of noise.

Currently I'm very confused about the direction I want a certain part of my life to go. Things used to be rather black and white but not so much. I mean... I just want some clarity. I just want more clarity than what I've been getting. And then again maybe I just want things to be the way I want to and perhaps that ridiculous. I don't know -- just general confusion in my life.

But ya know what, I love my friends here at Vanderbilt. I just decided that -- I really do and I'm really gonna miss them when we all have to leave and that sucks. I mean... we'll make arrangements over the summer, but it won't be the same as walking across the quad and knocking on a door or chillin 10 deep in a Kissam single and really enjoying it all. I'm going to try to remember to soak up these last days because they really are. I'M GETTING OLD!! I'M GOING TO BE A NON-FRESHMAN IN LESS THAN TWO WEEKS AND I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO MAKE OF THAT! It's real, though -- It's real.

Make Good Decisions

Have faith in the system,
Then make it work for you.

AMEN -- and that's for real.

"Alive in '05!"


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